Thursday, January 01, 2004

"Black on Black Crime" Plan

What can best be called the Cincinnati City Council "Black Caucus" has announced a plan to try and address what they are calling "black on black crime." They cite the fact that 84% of the 75 (63 of 75) were blacks. Couple that with the police chief’s contention that 90% of the murders were drug related and you see where this plan focuses. They have four main initiatives:
It proposes expanding a Children's Hospital gun violence education program into more schools and recreation centers, reinstating the police department's gang unit, choosing a Sunday for clergy to preach against violence and starting a job-finding effort for convicted felons.
The only one that will have any short term effect is getting the gang unit going again. Why did it ever go away?

The other programs are long term, but they are the just pissing in the wind, especially the special preaching by clergy. Everyone knows that drug gangs go to church and actually listen to their preacher....cough, cough.

What I don't like here is that the "Black Caucus s" is doing this on their own. They have segregated themselves into a group and are acting on their own. Now, some might see this as good. I don't see this as good. I see this as a sign that in this city blacks don't trust or just don't want to work with non-blacks. I am not say that these four believe that, but I think they are acting on their own as a "black group" because many in the "black community" would have a hissy fit if this same plan came from a white person. The status of messenger matters way to much. If people dislike or hate white people that much, then no, race relations will never improve.

Councilman David Pepper gives his solution to this problem in a guest column in the Enquirer. His ideas might actually have an impact.

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